
Gribble's Guide to the Academic Adventurer 5e

Created by David Barrentine

Guilds, subclasses, spells, and more are waiting to be explored! An expansion to the world of Oranth.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We're Funded1
about 2 years ago – Thu, Nov 10, 2022 at 01:00:51 AM

12 Hours! It took just 12 hours for this project to fund! That blows my mind. But it does mean two things:

1) All that's left is to start unlocking those stretch goals and

2) I need to start getting to work!

Speaking of stretch goals and work, I'd like to let everybody that's backed so far in on what I'd like to do for this kickstarter. Starting with...

Stretch Goals

If you've taken the chance to scroll down the screen of the campaign page you'll notice there are three stretch goals. I know what you're thinking. This seems low. If you're like me, you like stretch goals. It means extra coolness that gets to be added and you don't have to do anything. Well, here's the thing, we've got more stretch goals! We'll be releasing them in chunks of three so, as we unlock the first three, we'll reveal the next block of three. And we've got some very exciting things waiting to be unlocked. There's a lot that will be added to the final product if we hit every stretch goal. Not only that, I'm planning to give away free goodies! That's right extra stuff outside of what's in this book. But we have to reach all the stretch goals and the only way to do that is to help get the word out on Gribble's Guide to the Academic Adventurer. Tell your friends, tell your family, tell anybody that will stop and let you talk them. I promise you they won't think you're weird... that much anyway. And now for the next thing...

Running the Project

Alright, we mentioned in the campaign that we are nearly 100% finished with the writing for this product. It's true! I've done a lot to get this together already. I prefer to launch a Kickstarter only after a significant portion of the content has been created. It makes me feel more comfortable putting the content out there. That being said, we aren't 100% finished yet. And a lot of that depends on all of you who have backed the project. 

You may be thinking, "What do I have to do?" Well, that's simple. You need to look at the stuff I've been working on early and play with it. Once you've had a chance to get a feel for the mechanics all you need to do is give us feedback and we'll tweak what we have. Once we feel happy with what we have, we'll craft the NPC stat blocks. The NPC stat blocks are the only thing we haven't done any work on yet. They are all based on the subclasses so I didn't want to dive into those until we pounded out the subclasses fully. Otherwise you'd have a subclass and a stat block that may work in two entirely different ways. 

So here's how I'm wanting to move forward. Starting next week, I'm going to release an early version of one of the subclasses as an update on the kickstarter. Anybody who is interested can download the copy and play around with it. I'll give a week or two (haven't decided how long) and then I'll put out an update on here that leads to a feedback form. We'll gather all the feedback from there and based on what we hear from all of you, we'll tweak the mechanics to make them more sound. We'll do this with each of the subclasses until we've gone through all of them. 

And that's it. That's all you have to do. You get some early toys, we get some feedback, and the final product gets a more concise version of each subclass. I'd say that's a win all the way around. Anyway, that's all for this update everybody. I just wanted to give you all a bit of a peak behind the curtain on what's to come and say thank you for getting this funded so quickly. Please share this with as many people as you know that may be interested so we can unlock everything for this project! 

Until the next update...
